Welcome Message

Welcome to our class blog! We hope that you will visit often to check out the exciting things we are learning in our classroom!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Teacher, Teacher...What do you SEE?

I see children looking at me!

We have had an awesome week exploring our 5 senses. Monday we learned about our sense of sight. We did an art project where we mixed colors. Our kiddos loved taking two colors like blue and yellow and making a new one! Tuesday we talked about our sense of smell. We played with scented playdough, drew pictures with scented markers, and even got to wear an orange scented sticker! On Wednesday we learned about our sense of hearing. We listened to many sounds including a trumpet, guitar, and drums. On Thursday we explored our sense of touch by making a collage of different textures. Finally, on Friday, we learned about our sense of taste by making Surprise Popcorn! We tasted sweet foods, salty foods, and sour foods. A big THANK YOU to all you parents who brought in items for our tasting activity. Check out our pictures below to see us tasting our popcorn!

Next week we will be talking about our feelings - happy, sad, angry, scared. Click on the link to play a game about feelings with your child - Feelings Game .

We will also learn about the letter B and the color blue. We will be painting with blue and making a collage of B words. We will be using old magazine pictures for our collage, so donations of old magazines would be greatly appreciated.

Also, remember that Open House is Tuesday, August 30th at 6:00PM. Come visit our classroom and see all of the neat things that we have been doing in our class!

Thanks for all that you do!
Mrs. Oakley and Mrs. Whitehead

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