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Thursday, September 1, 2011

If You're Happy and You Know It...

We have had another awesome week at Pre-K! This week we explored our feelings - happy, sad, angry, and scared. Monday, we talked about feeling happy and sang the song "If You're Happy and You Know It". Tuesday we talked about feeling sad. Check out the video below to see Elmo teach us about Happy and Sad.

Finally, on Wednesday we talked about feeling angry and Thursday we talked about feeling scared. We read "IF You're Angry and You Know It" and played a Feelings Game from Sesame Street. Check out our kidd-o's showing us their different feelings.


We also talked about the letter B and vocabulary words such as boy, baby, butterfly, banana, and blue. We also made B's out of pasta and we made a collage of B words.

Just a few reminders...
  • We will be observing the Labor Day holiday on Friday and Monday!
  • Next week we will talk about Our Family. Please remember to send a picture of you and your child for our family tree.
  • Open House will be rescheduled for next week. We will be sending home a reminder next week with updated details.
  • Make sure you turn in a completed Impact Aid Form on Tuesday, if you have not done so already.
  • Parent Volunteer Orientation will be September 7th at 9:00 AM. If you would like to volunteer at Pre-K you must attend this meeting.
Next week we will be learning about Families. We will talking about the Letter R and the color Purple. Mrs. Whitehead and I hope that you have a safe and fun Labor Day weekend! Thanks for all you do!

Mrs. Oakley and Mrs. Whitehead

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