Welcome Message

Welcome to our class blog! We hope that you will visit often to check out the exciting things we are learning in our classroom!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Welcome Winter!

Happy New Year and Welcome back to PreK. Ms. Lowe and I hope that you and your family had a wonderful holiday season and a restful break. With that said, we are back in full swing here at PreK. This week we worked on transitioning back to our school routine. We practiced walking in a line, sitting for small group and large group activities, and following simple directions like raising our hand. We also reviewed our colors, shapes, and ABC’s. Check out the videos below to review these concepts with your child at home.

Next week we will be learning all about nursery rhymes and the letter W. We will read rhymes like Humpty Dumpty, Jack and Jill, and Baa Baa Black Sheep. We will also continue to learn about winter, specifically winter clothing. We will read the story The Mitten by Jan Brett and make a collage of winter clothing.

  • Remember, there will be no school on January 16th in observance of MLK Day! Have a great long weekend!
  • As we are in the middle of cold and flu season, donations of Kleenex and Hand Sanitizer would be greatly appreciated.
  • Remember to label all of your child’s belongings. This includes book bags, jackets, hats, mittens, extra clothes, etc.
  • If your child is not yet potty trained, please make sure that you include pull-ups and wipes in your child’s book bag daily.
  • Remember, if your child has a fever, vomits, or diarrhea at school they will be sent home. Please do not send your child back to school until they have been symptom free for 24 hours. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
  • We will be celebrating the 100th day of school on Monday, January 23rd!

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